24 February 2011

step lively.

This morning as I was getting ready for work, my outfit just didn't seem complete.  Forgive me if you can't relate, but something just seemed to be missing.  As I sifted through my overly stuffed jewelry box, a packed mess of costume jewelry collected from consignment stores, clearance racks and my grandmother's old jewelry box, I was searching for the perfect something to seal the look.  Found it--a vintage, round, silver and turquoise pin.  I proudly pinned the delicate, yet bold statement to my blazer and was ready to take on the day.  Throughout the day I couldn't help but look down at the multitude of tiny torquoise beads working together in perfect harmony to create such a vibrant burst of color and think of who it once belonged to--my grandmother.  I think I have said this before in a former post, but I was blessed with the opportunity to live a mere 2 blocks away from my grandparents while growing up in Windom.  After a small accomplishment I would instantly run down to tell them about it and they would tell me how proud they were.  Just one of many things that shaped who I am today, just one of the values I hold dear to my heart which is having a close relationship with those who support, encourage, inspire and love me unconditionally. 

I remember as a little girl I would dig through her treasure chest of jewelry and drape it around me like a big hug.  She would tell me stories about where she got them, from a vacation or from my grandfather.  These stories proved to be the beginning of my love for stories-a bond.  Stories live forever.

After she passed a few years ago, I found myself going through her jewelry box again and found the pin I wore today among other pieces I recognized from when I was that carefree eight-year-old draped in pearls while listening to grandma's stories. 

So, looking down at that beautiful pin today, I couldn't help but think about what grandma would say about my journey of Finding Windom. What stories would she have as a small business owner--a fabric store owner on Windom's downtown square? It is amazing to think she was a business owner before I knew her.  Such a scary thing to own a business, but she was good at it.  I wish I could have seen it with my own eyes, but I do have stories.  Would she like the idea of "The little city that would"?  Would she be proud just like she was when I got an A on my report card or when I won a golf tournament? 

To tell you the truth, I guess I don't need to know what she would think, not like I did when I would rush to tell her about a small, adolescent accomplishment.  But I do know I was proud to wear that pin today because it belonged to my grandma.

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