12 July 2011

no words.

Like usual, I'm going to be honest...I'm sitting here at this familiar screen and lately it feels as if the cursor is mocking me with rhythmic blinking and I again I don't know how to start this post or end it.  It's not because this journey has come to an end or that I don't have anything to report, instead it is because there is so much that I can't quite figure out what to tell you next.  Should I talk more about community meetings? River City Eatery? All the things I love about Windom?  findingwindom.com?  MN Intelligent Rural Communities?  The Little City That Would?  There is so much great stuff happening right now here within these city limits that I would have never thought this day would come, but I'm...speechless.  I don't know what to tell you because it is all so exciting and exhausting and none of it has been work because I'm having a blast doing it all.  My brain goes a mile a minute with all the possibilities and a year ago I would have never guessed any or all of it would or could have happened. 

There are no words to describe all the emotions I'm feeling right now in Windom.  I love this city.  I love the endless amount of possibility it has and has started to grasp.  Yup, absolutely no words right now...I'm just going to sigh and take it all in...


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