Last night there was a meeting of the minds. There was a place, a time, and a notebook. There were 3 new minds to guide mine. I can't tell you how good it felt to be surrounded by dedicated supporters of Finding Windom. People with the same optimism, vision and ideas of this fair city. To know that I am not alone is a sweet, sweet feeling. I could see ripples leading to the waves of change last night around that table. The night started by organizing our thoughts and ideas, putting them down on paper, planning courses of action. As we got more and more excited about our plans and Windom, I couldn't help but think about the time I spent at McDonald's with the local coffee crew (refer to post "have we met?"). I remember the atmosphere at McDonald's was this genuine passion for river city. A lifetime of memories being spewed among friends around a table. This was what was happening at this moment, at a place, a time, and with a notebook. It was fellowship at its best. We were Windom natives with a common ground purpose. We shared stories about growing up here, we laughed at memories, and we wanted to make more memories. Last night, this meeting of the minds became a night to remember all courtesy of Finding Windom.
After last nights meeting I felt I needed to get some small course of action rolling, so I decided it would be a good day to do a big small thing: pick up trash. Everytime I walk to my parent's house, I pass the railroad tracks on 10th street and everytime I pass those tracks I have noticed the great amount of trash laying among the tall weeds and tall dried grass. I decided today was the day I was going to clean it up and a friend so generously offered help. Henrik and I soaked ourselves with his SPF 50 baby sunscreen, I grabbed 2 trash bags, a pair of gloves and set out to our destination. In the short amount of time we were there, we managed to pick up 4 bags of trash (my friend brought 2 bags with as well) between the blocks of 10th and 9th street. We were pretty proud of what we accomplished under the 86 degree sun today. So, when you go over the railroad tracks on 10th or 9th street in the near future, the cleanliness is courtesy of Finding Windom.
Every little bit helps. We were only there today for a little over an hour and accomplished quite a task. I encourage everyone to do their part. I'm not asking you to part the Red Sea. Just keep it simple, even if it means picking up around your yard or street. Let's keep the city clean. It doesn't take much time or effort, it just takes a bend of the knees.
Great work Mari! I would love to become involved as well. Just let me know how I can. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat idea to clean a small section at a time and easily done especially with help from a friend. I notice storm drains are clogged with trash, debris and weeds. We can easily and quickly clean those storm drains in our own neighborhood. Just sprucing up your own yard can start a chain reaction. No one wants to be a messy yard on a block of maintained and landscaped yards. Certainly worth a try and takes only a little effort.